jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2011

summary of justice history

A woman is was late for work and she is was going fast so the officer stops her and gives her a fine.
This woman believes this isn't fair so she claims the officer and tells him she was rushing because she was very late to work. the officer didn't listen to her and just answered: wake up earlier next time. The woman takes the fine but still thinks this was unfair.

We think that the officer is right  because she could produce an accident, she could have run over someone or caused a car crash etc. The woman should have woken up earlier.

lunes, 10 de enero de 2011


The state of being responsible, accountable, or answerable, as for a trust, debt, or obligation.
for me, responsibility is the ability people can have to care about stuff or people   also to asume their acts and the consequences 

it also could be the importance of a roll you need to play or the importance you need to give to certain things